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Connecter les régions éloignées grâce aux compétences numériques et au patrimoine culturel

about the Cards

The set of 36 Question/Answer cards is part of a range of products and kits for professionals (e.g. teachers/educators) and citizens. The cards provide solutions for problems that may occur in distance communication. The cards are divided into three categories: interaction (blue), motivation (orange) and group management (green).  Each card will provide a short framework for a problem and then an activity designed to overcome the problem in question. You can download all the cards as one file, by three categories or each card individually.

Download all the cards as one file,

Download  the cards as themes: interaction (cards 1-12), motivation (cards 13-24),  group management (cards 25-36)

CORDIALIS Erasmus+ Project
cordialis.project @gmail.com

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