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About Cordialis Project

Connecting Remote Areas Through Digital Competences and Cultural Heritage

Cordialis Project

CORDIALIS is an Erasmus+ Project, funded by the French National Agency, Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation. The CORDIALIS team worked on opening up remoted areas by quality online exchanges among citizens and by raising awareness on local cultural heritage and crafts.


30 months

January 2022 – June 2024

Project coordinator

De l’art et d’autre (DADAU)


University of Turku (UTU), Lithuanian countryside tourism association (LCTA), Web per tutti (Italy)

Each CORDIALIS partner brought specific expertise while benefiting from the experience of others

During the project, the partners will met three times: a kick-off meeting in Paris, a training meeting (LTTA) in Sulmona and a final meeting (TPM) in Kaunas.

Connecting remote areas through digital competences and cultural heritage

The target groups of the project are: artisans, teachers, professionals in the cultural sector, citizens and language learners

Project Resources

30 months to

– develop manuals, pedagogical cards, audio and video podcasts, video tutorials and assessment grids. 

– organize local – regional – international workshops and events

– meet citizens from remoted areas, language learners and teachers, craftsmen, librarians, local cultural stakeholders, etc

CORDIALIS Erasmus+ Project
cordialis.project @gmail.com

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